Modern renovation and extensions for an Edgbaston ‘Country House’

One of Birmingham’s most prestigious streets is home to an incredible contemporary extension to a stunning Flemish-style Grade II* listed manor in Edgbaston on the Calthorpe Estates.

The property located on Somerset Road and is one of only a handful of Grade II* buildings within Birmingham. It is located within the Edgbaston Conservation Area and is one of the few remaining ‘Country House’ residences remaining on the Calthorpe Estate.

This listed building house, outbuildings and gardens are in need of significant refurbishment and we were engaged to mange these refurbishments whilst gaining planning consent for a contemporary leisure complex within the walled garden area including a significant basement extension, tennis court and garden pavilion to retain the building’s Grade II* status.

The project involved the close co-operation of the Council’s Conservation Team, together with English Heritage.

grade ii*