Property Appraisals by accessibility experts

These reports are key to finding whether a potential property is suitable to meet a client’s specific needs in terms of accessibility. Our experts can help you decide. 

Property appraisals are an important assessment of a house’s suitability to integrate the needs of clients who’ve suffered accidents, and part of the documentation a deputy or solicitor needs to get finance. 

When a potential house is chosen by the deputy or legal representative, an architect uses an Accommodation Report (often provided by the client’s occupational therapist) to assess whether the client’s requirements can feasibly be built in the property. For example, the Accommodation Report might recommend integrating features such as:  

  • Wheelchair-centric design
  • Lighting and heating solutions
  • Home automation
  • Shower and hydrotherapy room
  • Physiotherapy space
  • Sensory and blackout rooms
  • Carer accommodation and office
  • Family home integration
  • Equipment and supplies storage

Property appraisals from experienced professionals

Using the guidelines provided by the Accommodation Report, your architect can visualise how these needs might be housed in the chosen property, and will also be able to provide professional opinions on the potential layout and advice on extending the house.

Our architects’ job is to integrate inclusive, creative design into the client’s home, going above and beyond simple ‘solutions’  that mean little character or personality. Accessibility, convenience and space are just as important as proportion, comfort and atmosphere.

property appraisals

Depending on the dimension of the extension and the style of house, your architect will advise as to whether you might need to apply for full planning permission, or whether you can build under Permitted Development Rights and have the build approved by the council with a Lawful Development Certificate

Property Appraisals can generally be turned around in just a few days, so if you’re a deputy looking for professional advice on your potential home purchase for your client, don’t hesitate to get in touch – drop us a message below, call us on 0121 455 0032 to speak to us on our live chat. Let’s get your project started!

Why Lapworth Architects?


Our 20+ years of work mean great design and good relationships with planning departments across the region, giving  our projects the best chance to get planning permission and start building.


Your budget is tailored to your needs so you’re always on top of your costs. We’re proud to offer excellent value for money for our services, from design and planning right through to build.


Our breadth of knowledge makes us an efficient and sustainable choice of local architect, and we have a vested interest in improving our built environment right here in the West Midlands.


Wherever you are with your project, if you’re looking for honest, quality advice from professionals, chat to us, leave us a message or call us on the number at the top of the page. Let’s talk!